Bartol suggested that imprisonment can be 'brutal, demeaning and generally devastating.' Suicide rates are 15 timeshigher among offenders compared to non-offenders. Young single men most at risk during the first 24 hours of confinement.
Prison Reform Trust found 25% of women and 15% of men in prison reported symptoms indicative of psychosis. An oppressive regime may trigger psychological disorder. Thus, custodial sentencing is not an effective rehabilitation.
Cannot be asumed that all offenders will react the same way. Different prisons have different regimes so wide variations in experiences. Also, the length of the sentence, reason for incarceration and previous experiences with prison matter.
Some offenders may also have pre-existing psychological and emotional difficulties. Thus, it is difficult to make conclusions to every prisoner. Not geenralisable.
Aims of rehabilitation is for the offenders to become better during their time in prison. Many prisoners access education and training whilst in prison to increase possibility to find employment upon release.
Programmes and recidivsm (Opportunities for training and treatment)
Anger management schemes and social skills training to help give offenders insight into their own behaviour reducing the likelihood of recidivism. Thus, prisons may be a worthwhile experience. But prisons lack resources and recently space.
Prisoners may go through dubious education. Incarceration with hardened criminals may give younger criminals an opportunity to learn skills and tricks from more experienced offenders. May undermine attempts of rehab increasining rates of recidivism.
Davies and Raymond concluded that government ministers often exaggerate benefits of prisons to appear tough on crime. In reality, prison does little to deter prisoners. Alternatives like community service and restorative justice appear better as family and employment can be maintained.