A01 Custodial Sentencing

Cards (11)

  • The aims of custodial sentencing

    Involves a convicted offender spending time in prison or other closed institution (young offender's or psychiatric).
  • Detterence
    Designed to put off individuals from engaging in offending.
  • General deterrence

    Aims to send a broad message to members of a given society that crime will not be tolerated
  • Individual detterence

    Should prevent offender from committing and repeating same crime in light of their experience. Conditioning through punishment.
  • Incapacitation
    Offender taken out of society to prevent them from reoffending as a means of protecting the public. Depends upon severity of crime.
  • Retribution
    Society enacts revenge for crime by making offender suffer. Should be proportionate to the crime, 'eye for an eye'.
  • Rehabilitation
    Idea of reform. Offenders should leave Prison as better adjusted and ready to take place in society.
  • The psychological effects of custodial sentencing

    Stress and depression lead to suicide rates and self harm to increase in prisons.
  • Institutionalisation and prisonisation
    Institutionalisation may cause inmates to not be able to function outside of prisons. Prisonisation is the way the prisoners are socialised into adopting an inmate code
  • The problems of recidivism
    Statistics from ministry of justice suggest 57% of UK's offenders will reoffend within a year of release. UK and US have highest reoffending rates.
  • Penal institutions

    Penal institutions are more open and there is much greater emphasis on rehabilitation and skill development (Norway). Critics labelled this as a soft option that is not a sufficient punishment.