Psychodynamic approach

Cards (9)

  • Key assumptions
    -not all mental activity is consciously accessible.
    -unconscious mental activity is the key determinate of how we behave.
    -Our personality is comprised of 3 dynamic components - tripartite structure - ID, ego and super ego.
    -Mental illness treated by addressing latent unconscious conflict.
  • Role of the unconscious
    -driving force behind our personality to do behaviour
    -Protects conscious self from anxiety, fear and trauma
    -Can develop through childhood
  • Tripartite structure
    -consists of ego, ID and superego
    -mental components are dynamic meaning they are fluid, flexible and drive behaviour.
    -each component has it's own distinct qualities.
    -experiences with caregivers can shape adult behaviour.
  • The ID
    -exists from birth and develops during the oral stage.
    -Drives to seek pleasure, is impulsive and primitive, no concept of real life and morality.
    -Operates unconsciously
  • Ego
    -Balances out the ID and superego
    -operates and deals with outside world of reality and consciously aware.
  • Super-ego
    -Opposite of ID
    -Operates according to 'morality principle' and helps act what's right and wrong.
    -It operates within the unconscious.
  • Ego defence mechanisms
    -Displacement: occurs when anger/frustration is transferred from the original source and redirected towards less threatening object or person.
    -Denial: refusal to accept reality, blocking external events from conscious awareness. People use denial in everyday life.
    -Repression: actively forcing trauma into the unconscious. They manifest themselves through human behaviour.
  • Psychosexual stages of development:
    -Oral stage (0-18 months) mouth, lips and tounge become in the erogenous zone. Infants gain pleasure from things like sucking thumbs.
    -Anal stage (1.5-3 years) gains pleasure from expelling faeces and urine. Conflict during potty training. Anal fixation is too harsh/lenient.
    -Phallic stage (3-6 years) genitals become part of erogenous stage, become aware of sex differences. Boys/girls gain pleasure from genital stimulation.
  • Psychosexual stages of development
    -Latency stage (6 years-puberty) is a period of repression of sexual desires and focus on non sexual pursuits like hobbies and schoolwork.
    -Genital stage (puberty-adulthood) develop normal relationship fixations.