The poem 'Ode on a Grayson Perry Urn' was written by Tim Turnbull
Tim Turnbull is a contemporary British writer, performer, and visual artist. Born in the north of England, Turnbull moved to Scotland as a young man and has since become a popular public figure, leading community poetry readings and workshops
Tim Turnbull published 'Ode on a Grayson Perry Urn' in his 2009 collection'Caligula on Ice and Other Poems'
'Ode on a Grayson Perry Urn' is rooted in a very specific time and place - The fashions ("Burberry" & "corn-rows") and music ("garage" & "house") the speaker mentions ground the poem in Britain during the first decades of the 2000s
The early 2000s saw a global recession; for a lot of people, work was hard to find, and money was tight - The devil-may-care kids this poem's speaker describes respond to poverty with defiance and glee
This was the era of the ASBO (or Anti-Social Behaviour Order), a kind of warning against common public misbehaviours like drunkenness and peeing in places one shouldn't
Introduced by Prime Minister Tony Blair's government in 1998, ASBOs were often directed at juvenile delinquents and became a symbol of a culture in which the older generations just didn't know what to do with the young
Until they were abolished in 2014, ASBOs became almost a badge of pride for the rebellious kids who earned them