Cards (7)

  • What is the Australian Government Water Fund?
    a $2 billion investment focusing on water infrastructure and improved management of scarce water resources
  • Give an example of a “water smart” project introduced in 2007
    Lake Brewster Water Efficiency Project
  • What are some aims of he Lake Brewster Water Efficiency project?
    To save up to 10 gigalitres of water and improve water security by 4% by managing the river in a natural way
  • Drought-tolerant plants like wheat plant ‘Drysdale’ yield 5% more than other varieties of wheat under dry conditions
  • Farmers are planting more trees and shrubs, reducing amount of ploughing, and leaving stubble in fields to protect other plants
  • In 2007, a new desalination plant was announced to be built near Melbourne, one of the largest in the world
  • What are water buybacks?
    Farmers can sell back their allocated water to the government for money. Many farmers feel theya are being pressured into doing so