oxidative phosphorylation

Cards (9)

  • chemiosmosis
    • protons move down a proton gradient
    • from intermembrane space to matrix
    • from high conc to low conc
    • this supplies energy for ATP synthase
    • ATP synthase catalyses ADP + Pi to ATP
  • electron transfer chain
    • molecule donates 2 electrons to protein (molecule is oxidised)
    • electrons get passed to 2nd, 3rd proteins
    • electrons move through electron transfer chain via a series of oxidation-reduction reactions
  • the final electron acceptor
    • oxidation-reduction reactions release energy
    • if ECT grinds to a halt, protons cannot be actively transported into intermembrane space
    • protons still move down proton gradient through ATP synthase until there is no more proton gradient
    • no proton gradient, no ATP produced
  • final electron acceptor
    • Oxygen reacts with electrons in final protein
    • electrons react with oxygen and hydrogen to form water
    • oxygen is the final electron acceptor
    • provides energy to maintain proton gradient
  • reduced NAD
    • NADH travels to matrix and donates electrons to first protein
    • NADH is oxidised so produces H+ and NAD
  • reduced FAD
    • FADH2 also travels to matrix and donates 2 electrons to a smaller protein
    • produces FAD and 2 hydrogens
    • generates energy to produce ATP through ATP synthase
  • FAD and NAD can be recycled to collect more protons to donate more electrons
  • oxidative phosphorylation
    • NADH and FADH2 are oxidised (donate electrons)
    • electrons move through oxidation-reduction reactions
    • electrons transfer energy to proteins (proton gradient is maintained)