Minority Influence occurs when a small group of people or even an indivdual changes the attitudes/behaviours/beliefs of the majority.
Minority Influence is likely to lead to internalisation because it is not as easily achieved as majority influence, it is more meaningful.
The processes at work in minority influence include:
Strong commitment in the face of ridicule or hostility may lead the majority to think that the minority possibly have a point, as they are willing to be mocked publicly and to face great hardship to change peoples minds.
Staying consistent to the message/stance/viewpoint/belief is a way of showing the majority that the minority are firm, resolute and strong in the face of possible criticism or outright hostility.
Research of Moscovici showed the value of a consistent minority. Participants were put into groups of six and shown 36 slides of varying shades of blue. The participants had to state outloud the colour of each slide. Two of the six participants were always confederates. The two confederates said all slides were green. In the second condition confederates were less consistent. Findings showed in the consistent condition there was an 8.2%agreement with the minority and in the inconsistent condition agreement was 1.25%
The minorirty should be able to adapt their message as what they have to say might not be welcomed by many sectors of society. The minority should be open to accepting reasonable and valid counter-arguments