the nervous system

Subdecks (1)

Cards (28)

  • What is the primary function of the nervous system?
    To carry messages to and from the brain
  • What are the two main functions of the nervous system?
    To collect information and coordinate organs
  • What does the Central Nervous System (CNS) consist of?
    The brain and the spinal cord
  • What role does the CNS play in the body?
    Controls behavior and regulates physiological processes
  • What does the Somatic Nervous System do?
    Relays nerve impulses between CNS and body
  • What is the function of the Autonomic Nervous System?
    Controls involuntary actions like digestion
  • What is the brain's role in the nervous system?
    Center of all conscious awareness
  • How is the brain organized?
    Divided into areas for different tasks
  • What does the spinal cord do?
    Relays information between brain and body
  • How does the spinal cord assist the brain?
    Allows brain to regulate bodily processes
  • What does the Somatic Nervous System transmit?
    Messages from the senses to the CNS
  • What actions does the Somatic Nervous System direct?
    Muscles to react and move
  • What does the Autonomic Nervous System regulate?
    Involuntary actions like digestion
  • What is the role of the Sympathetic Nervous System?
    Helps deal with emergencies
  • What does the Sympathetic Nervous System prepare the body for?
    Rapid action during threats
  • What is the function of the Parasympathetic Nervous System?
    Conserves natural activity and relaxes
  • What does the Somatic Nervous System consist of?
    12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 spinal nerves
  • How do the branches of the Autonomic Nervous System differ?
    They regulate the same organs with opposite effects
  • What happens to the body during an emergency situation?
    The sympathetic nervous system activates
  • What are the physical effects of the sympathetic nervous system activation?
    Increases heart rate and blood pressure
  • What happens after an emergency situation has passed?
    The parasympathetic nervous system activates
  • What are the psychological effects of the parasympathetic nervous system activation?
    Promotes relaxation and reduces stress
  • What are the main components of the nervous system?
    • Central Nervous System (CNS)
    • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
    • Somatic Nervous System
    • Autonomic Nervous System
  • What are the two branches of the Autonomic Nervous System?
    • Sympathetic Nervous System
    • Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • How does the body respond to a threat?
    1. Sympathetic nervous system activates
    2. Increases heart rate and blood pressure
    3. Prepares body for rapid action
    4. Parasympathetic nervous system activates post-threat
    5. Promotes relaxation and recovery
  • What are the four lobes of the brain and their primary functions?
    1. Frontal lobe - decision making
    2. Parietal lobe - sensory processing
    3. Temporal lobe - auditory processing
    4. Occipital lobe - visual processing
  • What is the role of the hypothalamus?
    • Maintains homeostasis
    • Regulates hunger, temperature, and thirst