Actus Reus

Cards (14)

  • Actus reus is the physical element of a crime : 'criminal act'
  • Leicester v Pearson [1952]

    D acquitted for involuntarily hitting a pedestrian on a zebra crossing
  • What is an omission?
    a failure to fulfil a legal obligation
  • What is the general rule on omissions?
    there is no liability for failure to act
  • What is the exception to the general rule on omissions?
    A person is liable if they have a legal duty to act and they fail to do so
  • R v Pittwood [1902]

    D omitted to lower the railway gate, duty from contract
  • R v Gibbins and Proctor [1918] 

    Ds failed to care for child, duty from relationship
  • R v Stone and Dobinson [1977] 

    Ds failed to care for elderly sister, duty from a voluntary assumption of responsibility (VAR)
  • R v Dytham [1979]

    D failed to intervene fight, duty from position in public office
  • R v Miller [1983] 

    D failed to put out the fire, duty from creating a dangerous situation
  • Involuntary action
    an act which is done by the muscles without any control by the mind, such as a spasm, a reflex action or a convulsion
  • Bratty v Attorney General for Northern Ireland [1964]

    Lord Denning defines involuntary action
  • Hill v Baxter [1958]

    The judges gave 3 examples of involuntary action while driving
  • Involuntary action while driving
    1. swarm of bees
    2. heart attack or fit
    3. hit on head with stone