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Cards (56)

  • What are some threats to biodiversity?
    Deforestation, modern farming, global warming
  • What is an aesthetic reason for preserving biodiversity?
    It contributes to the beauty of the Earth
  • Where do millions of people enjoy experiencing nature?
    In the countryside, Woodlands, seashore
  • How have artists and musicians been influenced by biodiversity?
    They find inspiration in natural beauty
  • What economic reasons are there for preserving biodiversity?
    Potential sources of future medicines
  • Why are tropical rainforests important for future food security?
    They contain a rich variety of plants
  • How can cross-breeding rainforest plants help crops?
    By introducing genes to help crops thrive
  • What happens if we continue destroying rainforests?
    We lose genetic biodiversity forever
  • What is a major reason for deforestation?
    The production of wood
  • How can forests be preserved sustainably?
    Through selective logging and replanting
  • What can sustainable tourism provide for tropical forests?
    A valuable source of income
  • What is monoculture in farming?
    Farming vast fields of only one crop
  • What are the economic risks of monoculture farming?
    It presents risks due to climate change
  • How can increasing plant diversity on farms help?
    It reduces risks from climate change
  • What is a consequence of farming only one crop variety?
    It depletes soil nutrients and minerals
  • How does farming a variety of crops help farmers?
    It reduces the need for more fertilizers
  • What are ecological reasons for maintaining biodiversity?
    Species depend on each other in habitats
  • What role do pollinators like bees play in ecosystems?
    They help in the pollination of plants
  • What are keystone species?
    Species that play a significant role in habitats
  • How do sea stars affect biodiversity in their habitat?
    They prevent mussel overpopulation, increasing diversity
  • What happens to mussel populations without sea stars?
    Mussel populations increase dramatically
  • What is the effect of increased mussel populations on other species?
    They crowd out seaweeds, sponges, and anemones
  • Why is it important to maintain biodiversity in habitats?
    All species depend on each other
  • What are the main reasons for maintaining biodiversity?
    • Aesthetic reasons: beauty of Earth
    • Economic reasons: potential medicines, sustainable resources
    • Ecological reasons: interdependence of species
  • What methods can be used to maintain biodiversity?
    • Selective logging
    • Replanting trees
    • Sustainable tourism practices
  • What should you be able to describe by the end of the video?
    In-situ and ex-situ methods of biodiversity
  • What are the roles of international and local conservation agreements?
    They help maintain biodiversity through regulations
  • What is threatening biodiversity?
    Human activity is threatening biodiversity
  • What happens to endangered species?
    They are likely to become extinct
  • What is in-situ conservation?
    Conservation in the organism's natural habitat
  • How can in-situ conservation be implemented?
    By creating a Wildlife Reserve
  • What measures are taken in a Wildlife Reserve?
    Human access may be restricted
  • What happens if a species' numbers fall very low?
    It might be reintroduced from elsewhere
  • Why are invasive species removed in in-situ conservation?
    To prevent competition with protected species
  • What happens to land left in the UK over time?
    It naturally reverts to Woodland
  • What is succession in ecology?
    Natural process of habitat change over time
  • How can grazing organisms help protect habitats?
    They prevent succession to Woodland
  • What are marine conservation areas used for?
    To protect endangered marine species
  • What activities are controlled in marine conservation areas?
    Tourism, fishing, and oil extraction
  • What is ex-situ conservation?
    Conservation outside of an organism's habitat