Milgrams Obedience Study

Cards (20)

  • What concept did Milgram's (1963) work on obedience draw from?
    Destructive obedience
  • What is destructive obedience?
    Obeying authority to harm an innocent person
  • What was the sample used in Milgram's study?
    • American males
    • Naive to the study's true aim
  • What role did participants assume in Milgram's study?
    They were assigned the role of 'Teacher'
  • What did the 'Teacher' administer to the 'Learner' for incorrect answers?
    Electric shocks
  • Were the electric shocks real in Milgram's study?
    No, they were fake
  • What did the experimenter provide to encourage participants to continue?
    'Prods' to continue the procedure
  • What percentage of participants went to the maximum shock level of 450 volts?

  • What moral strain did Milgram's study impose on participants?
    Shifting responsibility for shocks to the experimenter
  • What was Milgram's initial hypothesis about obedience?
    Germans must be different due to the Holocaust
  • What sampling method was used to recruit participants?
    Volunteer sampling
  • What role did 'Mr. Wallace' play in the study?
    He was the 'Learner' confederate
  • What did the 'Teacher' do if the 'Learner' answered incorrectly?
    Administered an electric shock
  • What was the range of the shock generator?
    15 volts to 450 volts
  • What did the experimenter say to encourage the Teacher to continue?
    'The experiment requires that you continue'
  • What were some behavioral responses noted in participants?
    Shaking, crying, sweating
  • What conclusion did Milgram reach regarding obedience?
    Not due to nationality or personal factors
  • What are the strengths of Milgram's study?
    • Reflected in other research (e.g., Hofling et al.)
    • Good external validity
    • Demonstrated gradual erosion of morals
  • What are the limitations of Milgram's study?
    • Lacks internal validity
    • Ethical concerns (deception, harm)
    • Right to withdraw not clearly given
  • What was the experimenter's uniform in Milgram's original study?
    A grey lab coat