Cards (22)

  • a Patrician is Roman citizen who can trace their linage to the first senate of Romulus
  • a Plebeian is a regular Roman Citizen
  • Equities are non political wealthy traders in charge of tax
  • A Novus Homo is a person entering politics with no political family background
  • A Noble is a person with at least one consul in their linage
  • "Res Publica" is the Latin name for the Roman Republic
  • the Senate is an assembly that governs Rome
  • "Cursus Honourum" is the political career ladder of Rome
  • [2] Consul is the highest office and holds imperium
  • [8] Praector is in charge of law courts
  • [4] Aedile is an optional position in charge of public affairs
  • [20] Quaestor are the lowest rank and in charge of the treasury and paperwork
  • [10] Tribune only for Plebeians and can veto laws
  • [2] Censor holds office for 18 months, in charge of public morality and the census
  • [1] Dictator a temporary position held for 6 months in emergencies
  • Governors are in charge of ruling a province of Rome
  • Amicitia is a political alliance
  • A Patron funds clients in exchange for political support
  • inamicitia is political rivalry
  • Optimates are a political faction concerned with preserving tradition and the senatorial order
  • Popularis is a political faction that is concerned with the interests of the people
  • Prescriptions are when political enemies are put to death and their assets taken