Varying Price of Water

Cards (9)

  • What does the World Health Organisation specify as the recommended quantity of water to maintain lifestyle?
    50 litres a day
  • Often, poor countries do pay for water, yet they pay significantly more money for the same amount of water that developed countries do
  • How much do people in the UK pay for 50 litres of water?
    only £0.07, which isn’t even 0.1% of our typical salaries
  • How much do people from Papa New Guinea have to pay for 50 litres of water?
    Roughly £1.84, which is over 50% of a typical salary
  • What % of Papa New Guinea haven’t got safe water?
  • How many people in India don’t have safe water?
    75.8 million
  • What are happening to aquifers in India?
    Levels of water are falling in 56% of the country
  • Shockingly, what country is water the most expensive in?
  • What happened in relation to water in Bolivia 1999?
    Local companies tried to make citizens pay high prices, leading to months of protests and street battles