leaf structure

Cards (12)

  • leaf structure
  • waxy cuticle
    acts as a protective layer ontop of leaf+prevents water from evaporating
  • upper epidermis
    thin+transparent to allow sunlight to pass through and reach the palisade layer below
  • palisade mesophyll
    column-shaped cells where chloroplasts are found
  • what does the palisade cells being column shaped help with
    it allows them to absorb more light+maximizes photosynthesis
  • spongy mesophyll
    has air spaces which increases the SA:vol and allows the diffusion of gases (mostly co2)
  • lower epidermis
    contains guard cells+stomata
  • guard cells
    absorb/ lose water to open/close the stomata in order to allow co2 to diffuse in and oxygen to diffuse out
  • stomata
    where gas exchange occurs
    • co2 diffuses in from air+oxygen diffuses out
    • water can also evaporate here
    • found at a larger concentration at the underside of leaf to reduce water loss
    • opens during day+closes during night
  • vascular bundle
    consists of the xylem +phloem to transport substances to leaf+take away glucose produced by photosynthesis
    • also helps support leaf's structure
  • xylem
    transports water from roots to shoots for:
    • mesophyll cells to use in photosynthesis
    • transpiration from stomata
  • phloem
    transports sucrose+amino acids around the plant