Cards (42)

  • What type of study did Kohlberg conduct?
    Longitudinal study
  • What was the aim of Kohlberg's research?
    To discover changes in moral reasoning
  • How long did Kohlberg's study last?
    Twenty years
  • What was the age range of boys in Kohlberg's study?
    10-16 years
  • How often were the boys followed up in Kohlberg's study?
    Every three years
  • What method did Kohlberg use to gather data?
    Two-hour interviews based on dilemmas
  • What did Kohlberg find about moral reasoning as children grew older?
    It tended to change with age
  • How many distinct levels of moral reasoning did Kohlberg identify?
    Three distinct levels
  • What is the order of progression through Kohlberg's levels?
    People progress in the listed order
  • What happens to the reasoning of each stage in Kohlberg's model?
    Each stage replaces earlier stage reasoning
  • Do all individuals achieve all stages in Kohlberg's model?
    No, not everyone achieves all stages
  • What is the age range for Stage 1: Pre-conventional?
    Infancy and pre-school
  • How is morality determined in Stage 1: Pre-conventional?
    By others' responses
  • What is the focus of moral reasoning in Stage 1?
    Avoiding punishment or gaining rewards
  • What is the orientation of Stage 1: Pre-conventional?
    Punishment and obedience orientation
  • What is the second orientation in Stage 1?
    Instrumental hedonism orientation
  • What is the age range for Stage 2: Conventional?
    School age
  • What is the focus of moral reasoning in Stage 2?
    Conforming to societal rules
  • What is the orientation of Stage 2: Conventional?
    Good boy/girl orientation
  • What is the second orientation in Stage 2?
    Morality of authority and maintaining social order
  • What is the age range for Stage 3: Post-conventional?
  • What characterizes morality in Stage 3: Post-conventional?
    Evaluation of laws and individual rights
  • What is the second characteristic of morality in Stage 3?
    Individual principles of conscience
  • How does moral reasoning change from Stage 1 to Stage 3?
    It evolves from egocentric to abstract reasoning
  • What link did Kohlberg suggest between moral development and offending behavior?
    Offenders often stagnate at pre-conventional level
  • Why might a lack of moral maturity lead to criminal behavior?
    Offenders prioritize immediate needs over society
  • What is an example of pre-conventional reasoning in criminal behavior?
    Committing crime to fulfill desires
  • What do cognitive distortions refer to?
    Faulty maladaptive thinking
  • How might information be perceived in cognitive distortions?
    In a distorted or hostile manner
  • What does hostile attribution bias mean?
    Perceiving others' behavior negatively
  • Cognitive Exp. AO3 - Support for Moral Development
    • Palmer and Hollin compared moral reasoning between female non-offenders, male non-offenders and convicted offenders using 11 moral dilemma-related questions
    • The delinquent group showed less mature moral reasoning than the non-delinquent group
    • This is consistent with Kohlberg’s predictions about offenders being classified at the pre-conventional level of moral reasoning, supporting his theory
  • How does hostile attribution bias affect responses?
    Increases likelihood of aggressive responses
  • What did Schonenberg et al. find about violent offenders?
    They judge ambiguous expressions as hostile
  • At what age does hostile attribution bias begin?
    Starts in childhood
  • What does minimization involve?
    Denial of the seriousness of actions
  • How does minimization help individuals?
    It helps manage feelings of guilt
  • What is an example of minimization in criminal behavior?
    A burglar downplaying the impact of theft
  • What did Pollock and Hashmall find in their study?
    35% of child molesters minimized their actions
  • What percentage of child molesters claimed the crime was non-sexual?
  • What percentage of child molesters stated the victim had consented?