factors affecting rate of photosynthesis

Cards (15)

  • what is a limiting factor
    a factor which prevents photosynthesis from happening any faster
  • what are the 3 limiting factors
    • temperature
    • light intensity
    • co2 concentration
  • what is the limiting factor at winter
    low temperature
  • what is the limiting factor at night
    light intensity
  • what else can affect the rate of photosynthesis
    n.o chloroplasts/ amount of chlorophyll
  • how does temp affect the rate of photosynthesis
    • as temp increases, rate of photosynthesis increases due to there being alot of co2 + light and there is more kinetic energy between the particles
    • meaning there arer more collisions between enzymes+substrates
  • what happens at high temps
    at high temps (over 45C) enzymes begin to denature, dereasing the rate of photosynthesis
  • what else happens as the temp increases the kinetic energy between the particles
    it also increases the speed at which co2 and water move through plant
  • graph for temperature
    a curve
  • how does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis
    • as light intensity increases, rate of photosynthesis increases as there is alot of co2+a suitable temp
    • but only until a certain point where another factor (eg co2 conc/ temp) becomes the limiting factor
    • this is because it is in short supply+causes graph to plateu
  • why has another factor become the limiting factor
    as that factor is in short supply, causing graph to plateu
  • what is another reason for another factor being the limiting factor
    as rate has reached it's maximum
  • how does co2 concentration affect rate of photosynthesis
    • as co2 conc increases, rate of photosynthesis increases as there is alot of light+suitable temp
    • hwoever, only till a certain point as another factor (eg: temp/light intensity) has now become the limiting factor
    • this prevents rate of photosynthesis from increasing as it's in short supply, causing graph to plateu
  • how can the n.o chloroplasts affect rate of photosynthesis
    • more chloroplasts = more chlorophyll (used to absorb light for photosynthesis) = faster rate of photosynthesis
  • what can the amount of chlorophyll be affected by
    • diseases (tobacco mosaic virus)
    • lack of nutrients (eg: magnesium)
    • loss of leaves (less leaves = less chloroplasts = less chlorophyll)