Rhyming Couplets

Cards (3)

  • The witches speak solely in rhyming couplets. It causes their speech to seem strange, perhaps rehearsed and unnatural. It also gives the impression of the witches constantly casting spells and interfering with the human world.
  • When speaking about committing evil acts, Macbeth also speaks in rhyming couplets. This emphasises how evil his behaviour is becoming but also causes the audience to question how much control the witches have over him. Coupled with the repeated language, it makes the audience wonder whether the witches are channelling characters and making them puppets in their game.
  • After Macbeth has killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth speaks gloomily in rhyming couplets. This is our first indication that the evil Lady Macbeth succumbed to is causing her unhappiness (3:2).