Ch 2: The Cell As the Basic Unit of Life 🔋

Cards (58)

  • What are the two main inorganic chemical constituents of organisms?
    Water and inorganic ions
  • What percentage of body weight does water make up in humans?
    About 60%
  • What are the functions of water in organisms?
    1. As a reactant in chemical reactions
    2. Medium for chemical reactions
    3. Medium of transport for substances
    4. Cooling agent through evaporation
    5. Provides support and shape
    6. Component of lubricating fluids
  • How is water involved as a reactant in photosynthesis?

    It is produced from carbon dioxide and light
  • Why is water considered a medium for chemical reactions?
    It can dissolve many substances
  • How does water function as a medium of transport in organisms?
    It carries dissolved substances throughout
  • What role does water play as a cooling agent in organisms?
    It removes heat through evaporation
  • How does sweating help cool down the human body?
    Evaporation of sweat removes heat
  • How does water provide support to plant cells?
    It makes cells turgid and upright
  • What is the major component of lubricating fluids in organisms?
  • What is the function of pleural fluid in humans?
    It reduces friction during breathing
  • What are the functions of inorganic ions in animals and plants?
    • Activate enzymes
    • Component of haemoglobin
    • Component of bones and teeth
    • Needed for blood clotting and muscle contraction
    • Source of nitrogen for proteins
    • Component of chlorophyll
    • Strengthen cell walls
  • What is the function of iron in animals?
    Component of haemoglobin
  • What is the function of calcium in animals?
    Needed for blood clotting
  • What is the function of phosphate in animals?
    Component of phospholipids and nucleic acids
  • What is the function of nitrate in plants?
    Source of nitrogen for proteins
  • What is the function of magnesium in plants?
    Component of chlorophyll
  • What is the function of iron in plants?
    Activates some enzymes
  • What is the function of calcium in plants?
    Helps strengthen cell walls
  • What is the function of phosphate in plants?
    Component of phospholipids and nucleic acids
  • What are the major organic chemical constituents of organisms?
    • Carbohydrates
    • Lipids
    • Proteins
    • Nucleic acids
  • What elements do carbohydrates contain?
    Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  • What are four common carbohydrates found in organisms?
    Glucose, starch, glycogen, cellulose
  • What is the main energy source for cells?
  • Starch acts as an energy reserve in plants.
  • Glycogen acts as an energy reserve in animals.
  • What is cellulose a major component of?
    Plant cell walls
  • What elements do lipids contain?

    Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  • What are two common types of lipids?

    Triglycerides and phospholipids
  • What do triglycerides act as in organisms?

    Energy reserve
  • What is the function of fats stored in adipose tissues under the skin?

    Act as an insulator
  • What is the function of fats stored around internal organs?
    Act as a shock absorber
  • What are phospholipids a major component of?
    Cell membranes
  • What elements do proteins contain?
    Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
  • What are some functions of proteins in organisms?
    • Make up body tissues (hair, muscles, skin)
    • Act as enzymes to regulate reactions
    • Act as hormones to regulate processes
    • Act as antibodies to protect against pathogens
    • Involved in transport (e.g., haemoglobin)
  • What is the genetic material in organisms?
  • What does DNA carry?
    Genetic information
  • What is RNA involved in?
    Synthesis of proteins
  • What elements do nucleic acids contain?
    Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus
  • The Cell Theory states that
    • All organisms are made up of one or more cells
    • The cell is the basic unit of life
    • All cells come from pre-existing cells