Cards (6)

  • The English and Romanina Adoptee (ERA) project is a longitudinal, multi-method investiagtion of the development of children adopted into the UK from Romania in the early 1990's.
  • This study followed 165 Romanian children whom had spent their early lives in 'abysmal' institutions. The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which children could recover when extreme deprivation in early life is followed by a middle childhood in within a safe family environment.
  • What were the positive key findings of the Romanian Orphan studies?
    • The younger the children at age of adoption, the better the outcomes.
    • Children adopted before 6 months showed no long term ill effects of institutionalisation.
  • What were the negative key outcomes of the Romanian Orphan studies?
    • Some children adopted after the age of six months experienced difficulties that were very uncommon in the control group.
    • One third of the Romanian children placed fro adoption after the age of six months experienced problems that required the help of professionals
  • Strengths of the Romanian Orphans Study:
    • Research has practical appliactions for institutionalised children around the world, and adoption in the UK.
    • It is a longitudinal study so we can see the long term effects of early institutionalisation
    • As there was a control group of English adoptees, we can be confident that the longer term problems shown by many of the Romanian Orphans was a result of institutionalisation.
  • Limitation of the Romanian Orphans Study:
    • The ERA project teaches us that some children, with high levels of sensitive nurturing in middle childhood, can make a complete recovery from early neglect, whereas others fare less well. (Uncontrolled Variables)