Both Tissue and Ozymandiashighlightthefragileandtransitorynatureofhuman power, emphasising its ultimateinsignificance in thefaceoftimeandnature
London and Ozymandias -
Both London and Ozymandiascritiquehumanauthority, revealinghow it leadstooppression and decay, showing its inabilitytoendureovertime
Remains and Exposure -
Both Remains and Exposureexplore the psychological and physicaltoll of war, exposing the lingeringeffects of conflict and the futilitysoldiersface in theirsuffering
COTLB and BayonetCharge -
Both COTLB and BayonetChargeconvey the chaos and brutality of war, contrastingpatrioticideals with theharshreality of violence and sacrifice