Mandub- you will be rewarded for these actions, but not punished if not
Sunnah - actions that were performed by the Prophet Muhammad and are highly recommended but not obligatory.
Mubah- permitted, as they aren't mentioned in the Qur'an or Hadith
haram= "that which is forbidden"
different types of evil:
moral evil- comes from the misuse of free will
non-religious attitudes to evil and suffering:
-if god were omnipotent: surely, he could remove evil and suffering
-if he were omnibenevolent: surely, he'd want to remove evil
humaninists may believe:
evil and suffering means that God is either not omnipotent, omnibenevolent or existant
however, a muslim attitude to evil may be:
-belief in misuse of free will
-the fault of accidental nature of the universe
Muslim response to why people suffer:
-God is greater than humans, so we cannot understand his motives. Instead, we should accept it and have faith and trust in him, rather than question it
-the qur'an teaches God is good, so there must be a reason behind it
-humans will be judged on their evil actions
in the qur'an, Allah ordered all angels to bow down to Adam: but one, Iblis, refused. As a result, he was sent out of paradise and now attempts to try and tempt humans to choose wrong over right until the day of judgement
-could act as a test
Evil and suffering could be seen as a test of faith: God is testing us to see if we are worthy of his kingdom, and Muslims will be rewarded in Paradise for eternity
Islam teaches that the endurance of suffering with faith: Muslims should accept it at God's will, rather than question his motives
Islam also teaches to work actively to remove evil and suffering from the World, so a Muslim's response should be to try and remove it (through praying or practical work)
-they will then be rewarded for these attempts
Forgiveness: the first step to reconciliation
the Qur'an teaches Allah is compassionate and merciful
"In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate"
-every Surah, apart from one, begins with the bismillah