Biological approach

Cards (3)

  • Weakness of BA can be seen as too simplistic. FE many explanations of mental Disorder involve neurochemical imbalances as main cause of there disorder. E.g BA would suggest that depression may be linked to low levels of serotonin.TMB approach does not consider role that other factors have our behaviour. FE CA would suggest have depression may be linked to faulty thinking patterns and irrational thoughts.So complex behaviour are being reduced to factors such as neurotransmitters. Therefore, the BA can be seen as reductionist as it has oversimplified behaviours that are complex.
  • Strength is real world application as it has led to drug therapy.FE research into neurochemical imbalance in depression has shown that there could be a biological cause for disorders such as low levels of serotonin.TMB this has lead to development of drug treatment which correct this imbalance and minimise depressive symptoms.This helps improves people’s lives.Therefore it is useful.However drug therapy has damazing and long lasting side effects impacting people negatively.
  • Strength is that biological approach uses scientific method particularly use of experimenter method as its main method of investigation.FE experimental studies take place in a highly controlled environment and researchers use sophisticated imaging techniques like PET scans. TMB other researcher are able to replicate research studies under same experimental conditions. also imaging techniques and it increases precision and objectivity of experimental research in this area. therefore scientific method improves reliability.