Natural Selection

Cards (11)

  • What is natural selection?
    The process where better-adapted organisms survive
  • What does natural selection act on?
    Phenotypic variations within a population
  • What must be present for evolution to occur?
    Genetic variability and differential reproduction
  • What are the factors necessary for evolution to occur?
    1. Genetic Variability
    2. More offspring produced than can survive
    3. Some organisms have better-adapted phenotypes
    4. Differential reproduction rates
  • What does Darwin's theory say about competition for resources?
    It results in differential survival
  • What is biological fitness?
    The ability to survive and reproduce
  • What is fecundity?
    The actual reproductive rate of an organism
  • What is the modern definition of evolution?
    A change in allele frequency over time
  • What is microevolution?
    A change in allele frequency within a population
  • What does macroevolution lead to?
  • Who first fully expounded the theory of natural selection?
    Charles Darwin