Sustainable modern industrial development

Cards (11)

  • Where is Torr Quarry?
    • South-east of the M5 - can easily be accessed by trucks to import and export goods
    • East of ports - can use waterways to transport goods
  • What is a quarry?
    Open mine
  • Issues with quarries?

    • Quarries have been cut out of the countryside
    • Huge waste tips are piled up on the edges of mining settlements
  • What is a pro of torr quarry?
    Creates employment
  • What are the cons of torr quarry?
    • Eyesore
    • Noise and air pollution
    • Habitats are destroyed
    • Unsafe
    • Decrease tourism industry
    • Trucks burn fuels
    • Short-term employment only
    Disadvantages can be mitigated by prior careful planning.
  • Ways industries are becoming more environmentally sustainable
    • Technology can be used to reduce harmful emissions from power stations and heavy industry, e.g. capturing fumes before they are released from chimney stacks into the atmosphere
    • Desulphurisation can remove harmful gases e.g. sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from power station chimneys
    • Stricter environmental targets put in place for industry on water quality, air pollution, and landscape damage.
    • Heavy fines imposed when an industrial pollution incident occurs
  • Facts on Torr Quarry
    • One of eight limestone quarries on the Mendip Hills
    • 100 directly employed
    • £15 million brought into local economy
    • Began extraction in the 1940s
    • Limestone is used for buildings and aggregate for roads
  • How is the quarry being economically sustainable?
    • Locals employed in and around quarry - blasters, transportation
    • Money is spent locally - workers can buy lunch from local shops
  • How is the quarry being socially sustainable?
    • Rail transport is used to move limestone - reduces congestion on roads for locals of lorries that would otherwise be moving the limestone
  • How is the quarry being environmentally sustainable?
    • Areas of the quarry where there is no limestone left is being restored by creating wildlife lakes for recreation and water supply
    • Over 200 acres have been landscaped using afforestation to hide the quarry
    • Regular monitoring of noise from blasting, vibration, and emissions area carried out
    • Deepening the quarry instead of expending its size to reduce impact on the environment
  • "Use an example to demonstrate how modern industries can be made more environmentally sustainable"
    Intro - locate Torr Quarry, a nationally important source of construction materials
    P1 - Overcoming damage by regeneration and afforestation of over 200 acres of land - people and wildlife can now use the area and are less likely to object to further expansion
    P2 - Overcoming noise with regular monitoring to keep within environmental limits - not pollute the environments
    P3 - Overcomes fuel emissions by transporting by rail - reduces congestion and pollution