Mary, Queen of Scots

Cards (38)

  • Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots, were cousins, but Elizabeth wasn't too pleased when Mary arrived in England.
  • Who was Mary, Queen of Scots' father?
    James V of Scotland
  • How was Mary, Queen of Scots related to the Tudors?
    Through her grandmother, Margaret Tudor
  • Why did Mary have a strong claim to the English throne?
    She was a granddaughter of Margaret Tudor
  • Who supported Mary's claim to the English throne?
    Many English Catholics
  • At what age did Mary become queen of Scotland?
    Six days old
  • Who acted as regent for Mary while she was a child?
    Her mother
  • In which country was Mary raised?
  • Who did Mary marry in 1558?
    The heir to the French throne
  • What happened to Mary's husband in 1560?
    He died suddenly
  • What did Mary want regarding the English throne?
    To be named as heir
  • Why was Elizabeth unwilling to name Mary as heir?
    She feared Catholic plots to overthrow her
  • What were Elizabeth's concerns about naming Mary as heir?
    Encouragement of Catholic plots against her
  • In what year did Mary flee to England?
  • Who did Mary marry in 1565?
    Lord Darnley
  • Why was Mary’s marriage to Darnley unhappy?
    Darnley hated Mary's secretary, Rizzio
  • Who was stabbed to death in 1566?
    David Rizzio
  • What was the belief surrounding Darnley's murder in 1567?
    Mary and Bothwell were suspected of involvement
  • Who did Mary marry shortly after Darnley's murder?
    Earl of Bothwell
  • How did the Scottish nobles react to Mary’s marriage to Bothwell?
    They rebelled against her
  • What did Mary do after being imprisoned by the Scottish nobles?
    She escaped and raised an army
  • What happened to Mary's forces after she raised an army?
    They were defeated in battle
  • To which country did Mary flee after her defeat?
  • What was the opinion of some people regarding Mary's abdication?
    They viewed her as the legitimate queen
  • Why did some people, including Elizabeth, not accept Mary's abdication?
    They thought the nobles had no right to overthrow her
  • Who was imprisoned but still posed a threat?
  • Why did Mary hope Elizabeth would help her?
    To regain control of Scotland
  • What was Elizabeth's concern regarding Mary's claim to the English throne?
    It posed a constant threat of invasion
  • What action did Elizabeth take against Mary?
    She had Mary imprisoned
  • What did Elizabeth set up to investigate Mary?
    An inquiry into Darnley's murder
  • Why didn't Elizabeth want a guilty verdict for Mary?
    It wouldn't support the Scottish nobles' actions
  • Why didn't Elizabeth want a not-guilty verdict for Mary?
    It would force her to release Mary
  • What was the outcome of the inquiry regarding Mary?
    It didn't reach a verdict
  • What was Elizabeth's hope in imprisoning Mary?
    To prevent her from becoming a Catholic plot center
  • How long did Mary's presence cause problems for Elizabeth?
    20 years
  • What were the 'Casket Letters'?
    Letters implicating Mary in Darnley's murder
  • What did Mary's supporters claim about the 'Casket Letters'?
    They were forgeries
  • What did most members of the inquiry believe about the 'Casket Letters'?
    They believed the letters were genuine