The Catholic Threat

Cards (61)

  • Who expelled Elizabeth from the Catholic Church?
    The Pope
  • In what year was Elizabeth excommunicated?
  • What did Elizabeth's excommunication mean for Catholics?
    Catholics no longer had to obey her
  • What was the intended effect of Elizabeth's excommunication?
    To strengthen the Northern Rebellion
  • How did Elizabeth's excommunication affect her view of Catholics?
    She saw them as potential traitors
  • What was the response of Elizabeth's government to the excommunication?
    Less tolerance of recusancy by Catholics
  • What legislation did Parliament pass in response to the excommunication?
    The Treasons Act in 1571
  • What was the consequence under the Treasons Act for claiming Elizabeth wasn't the legitimate ruler?
    Death penalty
  • What was the relationship between the Northern Rebellion and Elizabeth's excommunication?
    The excommunication aimed to strengthen the rebellion
  • What were the implications of Elizabeth's excommunication for her reign?
    • Catholics encouraged to overthrow her
    • Viewed Catholics as potential traitors
    • Increased government intolerance towards recusancy
    • Treasons Act imposed severe penalties
  • Who founded a missionary college at Douai in 1568?
    William Allen
  • What was the purpose of the missionary college founded by William Allen?
    To train English Catholic priests
  • When did the first missionary priest reach England?
  • Which two missionaries entered England in 1580?
    Robert Parsons and Edmund Campion
  • What happened to Edmund Campion in December 1581?
    He was executed for treason
  • Why did Elizabeth tolerate recusancy in the 1560s?
    She believed Catholicism would fade away
  • How did the arrival of missionary priests from the 1570s affect English Catholicism?
    It made Catholicism less likely to fade away
  • Why was the strengthening of Catholicism a major threat?
    It threatened the established religious settlement
  • Parliament passed two anti-Catholic acts
    In response to the threat from missionary priests, Parliament passed two anti-Catholic Acts in 1581. These Acts:
    . Massively increased the fines for recusancy, making them too expensive for most ordinary Catholics.
    . Introduced fines and prison sentences for people who said or attended Catholic Mass.
    . Made it treason (which was punishable by death) to convert to Catholicism or persuade others to convert.
    . Introduced prison sentences and the death penalty for anyone who encouraged rebellion.
  • What was the aim of the Catholic plots against Elizabeth?
    To put Mary on the English throne
  • What years did the Catholic plots to assassinate Elizabeth occur?
    Between 1571 and 1585
  • Name one of the plots aimed at assassinating Elizabeth.
    Ridolfi Plot
  • What did the letters sent by Mary implicate her in?
    The Ridolfi Plot
  • Why did Elizabeth refuse to execute Mary after the Ridolfi Plot?
    She saw Mary as a legitimate monarch
  • Who supported the Catholic plots against Elizabeth?
    The Pope and Catholic rulers
  • Which Catholic ruler was particularly involved in the plots?
    King Philip II of Spain
  • Why were the plots considered a real threat to Elizabeth's rule?
    Mary's claim to the throne made them credible
  • What was a potential consequence of Philip II's involvement in the plots?
    Risk of a Spanish invasion
  • Did any of the Catholic plots succeed?
    No, none succeeded
  • What factor contributed to the failure of the plots?
    Little public support for a Catholic revolution
  • Who established a spy network to uncover the plots?
    Francis Walsingham
  • What was the purpose of the spy network established by Walsingham?
    To uncover plots before they were carried out
  • What was the motivation of missionary priests regarding the Catholic plots?
    • Wanted England to return to Catholicism
    • Believed Elizabeth's removal was necessary
  • What event in 1584 increased the persecution of Catholics?
    Assassination of William the Silent
  • Why did the government become more concerned about Catholics after 1584?
    Due to William's assassination and Catholic plots
  • What was the consequence of the assassination of William the Silent?
    Increased persecution of Catholics in England
  • What were the new laws passed by Parliament in 1585 regarding Catholics?
    • Mary, Queen of Scots, barred from the throne
    • Missionary priests had 40 days to leave or face execution
  • What was the fate of priests who did not leave England within 40 days?
    They could be executed
  • What was the purpose of the law barring Mary, Queen of Scots, from the throne?
    To stop plots involving her assassination
  • How many Catholic priests were executed due to anti-Catholic laws of 1582 and 1585?
    More than 120 priests