Cards (38)

  • What did the Puritans want for the English church?
    To make it more Protestant
  • Why were the Puritans anti-Catholic?
    They were committed Protestants
  • What did the Puritans believe about the English Church?
    It should be free from Catholicism
  • Why was preaching important to the Puritans?
    It explained the word of God
  • What did the Puritans think about priests' education?
    They should be well educated
  • How did the education of priests at the time compare to Puritan beliefs?
    Many priests lacked education
  • What did the Puritans encourage among ordinary people?
    Education to read the Bible
  • What was the Puritan view on godly living?
    Strict obedience to God's commandments
  • What lifestyle did the Puritans believe Christians should live?
    A restrained lifestyle
  • What activities did the Puritans oppose?
    Playfulness and idleness
  • Which popular pastimes did the Puritans dislike?
    Sports and drinking
  • How did the Puritans view public celebrations?
    They disliked them, even for religious events
  • What was a more radical view held by some Puritans?
    To eliminate the Church hierarchy
  • Why was the radical view of some Puritans a threat to Elizabeth?
    It questioned her authority as Supreme Governor
  • What were 'prophesyings' introduced for?
    To teach priests how to preach
  • Why were Puritans concerned in the 1570s?
    There was a lack of educated priests
  • Who ordered the stop to 'prophesyings' in 1576?
    Elizabeth I
  • What was Elizabeth's concern about 'prophesyings'?
    They would encourage Puritan opposition
  • Who was the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1576?
    Edmund Grindal
  • What was Grindal's opinion on 'prophesyings'?
    He thought they were good for the Church
  • What was the consequence of Grindal refusing Elizabeth's orders?
    He was suspended and placed under house arrest
  • How did Elizabeth react to Grindal's refusal?
    She became furious
  • Who tried to suppress Puritanism?
    Archbishop Whitgift
  • What year did Grindal die?
  • Who did Elizabeth appoint as Archbishop of Canterbury after Grindal?
    John Whitgift
  • What action did Whitgift take against Puritan clergy?
    He required acceptance of Church regulations
  • What was the consequence for priests who did not accept the Church of England's regulations?
    They faced suspension
  • How many Puritan priests were suspended during Whitgift's campaign?
    Between 200 and 300
  • How did Whitgift's campaign affect some Puritans' views on reform?
    They felt there was no hope for reform
  • What did some Puritans decide to do in response to Whitgift's campaign?
    Form a separate church
  • Why were Puritan separatists seen as a threat?
    They threatened the religious settlement
  • What measures did the government take against Puritan separatists?
    Introduced censorship laws
  • What happened to several leaders of the Puritan separatists in 1590?
    They were arrested
  • How serious was the threat from Puritan separatists according to the document?
    It probably wasn't as serious as thought
  • What was the general status of most Puritans during this time?
    Most were moderates within the Church
  • What opposition did Whitgift's campaign face?
    Opposition from the Privy Council and Parliament
  • How did Elizabeth handle the opposition to Whitgift's campaign?
    She threatened to dismiss opposing council members
  • What did Elizabeth refuse to let Parliament do regarding Whitgift's campaign?
    Discuss the matter