Singapore NEWater

Cards (13)

  • Singapore has turned to holistic management of water to be more sustainable with their water usage
  • What is Singapore‘s population?
    5.4 million
  • Singapore traditionally got 80% of its water from Malaysia, but by 2010, this number halved
  • The UK’s water leakages are roughly 20%. What is Singapores leakage?
  • Per capita water consumption fell between 2000 and 2015 via education the public and metering water. How much did it decrease?
    From 165 litres a day to 150 litres a day
  • The whole of Singapore is a water harvesting catchment zone
  • There are subsidies in place to protect poor citizens from expensive water
  • What is Singapore NEWater?
    High grade recycled water that is treated and purified using membrane technology and ultraviolet disinfection
  • How many NEWater plants does Singapore have?
  • How effective are the NEWater plants?
    They meet 30% of the nations current water needs
  • What is Singapores national water agency called?
  • PUB are aiming to meet what % of the nations water demand with NEWater by 2060?
  • Singapore has a tropical climate, so despite its heavy rainfall of 2400mm a year, there is high evaporation rates