
Cards (14)

  • LF - Oakley
    sex = biological, gender = socially constructed - through socialisation
    - manipulation - how you treat boys/girls e.g. boys don't cry
    - canalisation - gendered objects e.g. girls = dolls, boys = trucks
    - verbal appellations - how you talk to girls/boys e.g. boys = strong, girls = pretty
    - gendered activities - boys = physical, rugby, girls = less physical, dance
  • LF - Critique, Oakley
    - passive, assumes children accept parents norms
    - doesn't explain why boys socialised as dominant and girls as subordinate
  • LF - Somerville - laws
    - want laws/policies changed rather than revolution
    - anti-discriminatory laws = gender equality - laws to benefit women e.g. pay gap
    - evidence of this - e.g. suffragettes, right to vote
  • LF - Critique. Somerville - laws
    (MF + RF) - naive to think laws will lead to equality, what about people's attitudes
    - assumes Western women's problems are universal
  • MF - Ansley
    'women are takers of shit'
    - men take frustrations from working in capitalist system out on women e.g. domestic violence
  • MF - Barrett
    - against familism
    - patriarchy + capitalism makes women value being a mother, makes them have these goals - makes them want to do unpaid labour
  • Critique of Marxist feminism
    - women's oppression in family before capitalism, so men wouldn't stop exploiting due to classless society
    - ignores other factors leading to oppression e.g. sexuality, race, disability
  • RF - Greer
    - separatism = women and men need to be separated to be free from patriarchy
    - political lesbianism = heterosexual relationships are oppressive, lesbianism is the only non-oppressive form of sexuality
    Critique: Somerville, can't erase heterosexual attraction
  • RF - Firestone
    - root of women's oppression = pregnancy - women carry the child so they're expected to look after it
    - solution = artificial wombs
  • RF - Patriarchal values - spheres
    - patriarchal values embedded in society
    - public sphere: men prioritised. women's opportunities limited e.g. pay gap
    - private sphere: personal relationships, men dominate women, power relationship - sexual politics
  • Criticism of radical feminism
    - RF ignores intersectionality and diverse experiences of women
    - ignores women's violence on men and lesbian relationships
    - too extreme
  • Difference Feminism
    - not a single women's experience is the same: ethnicity, sexuality, class etc
    - groups of women not relatable to other groups - different main concerns e.g. Western women = pay gap, may be different to Middle Eastern women
  • DF - Ahmed
    30% professors in UK = women, only 20 black women professors in UK - woman of colour have different struggles than a white woman
  • Post-Structural Feminism - Butler
    - social constructions of gender - nothing concrete e.g. no reason boys should like blue
    - patriarchy uses gender roles to oppress women
    - patriarchy = hegemonic = controls knowledge