1947-1948 Civil War: 300,000 Palestinian Arabs fled following Plan D and Deir Yassin. Israelis said they went voluntarily to re-group to invade, 1948-1949 War: 700,000 more fled (Naqba)
Mainly fled to Gaza, West Bank, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon (some to Egypt, Iraq and rest of Arab world); today, UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) says there are around 5milPalestinian refugees
Refugee descendants are also classed as refugees; many are still in camps in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, West Bank, Gaza (internal and external); most densely populated in Jordan and Gaza
UNRWA first set up tented refugee camps; appalling conditions, then switched to huts of mud, iron or concrete; UN wanted to repatriate them but Israel refused
Israeli “Law of Return” forbids returning Arabs and insists Arab states should “absorb” Palestinians, as Israel had absorbed 300,000 Jews from Arab States by 1953
Some refugees made new lives whilst most lived in camps, awaiting return opportunity, many deemed ‘stateless’