Authoritarian personality

Cards (8)

  • Authoritarian personality: a personality pattern characterized by a strong belief in authority, absolute obedience or submission to authority.
  • f-scale: used by Adorno to measure components that make up the authoritarian personality. people who scored higher on the test had been raised by parents who were authoritarian (physical punishment used) thus such attitudes became the norm.
  • Right-wing authoritarianism: people that possess three personality characteristics: agression, conventionalism, and submission.
  • Conventialism (RWA): adhering to conventional societal norms and values.
  • Authoritarian aggression: aggression that is directed at those who violate conventional social norms.
  • Authoritarian submission: submission to legitimate authorities.
  • strength of authoritarianism: there is research evidence for the link between obedience and authoritarianism. many studies show that authoritarian ppts are more obedient, Dambrun and Vatine created a virtual environment where ppts still responded even though they were told the victim’s reactions were simulated. those showing higher rwa were more obedient, confirming the link.
  • limitation of authoritarianism: other factors affect obedience rather than just authoritarians. Middendorp (1990) found less-educated people are more authoritarian. Milgram also found less educated individuals were more likely to obey than higher levels of education. rather than authoritarianism causing obedience, lack of education is a factor that affects both. thus the link may be unclear.