England and Spain's relationship

Cards (8)

  • Why was England interested in the Americas for trade?
    • Spain had disrupted English trade as England relied on trade with the Netherlands which Spain had taken control of
    • The Americas had become a key part of Spain's empire, by 1536 they controlled Mexico, Peru, Chile and the Caribbean
    • Mexico and Peru possessed huge reserves of silver
    • The Caribbean contained crops like tobacco and sugar which were rare in European markets
  • What is a privateer?
    A merchant/explorer hired or supported by the government whose role was to steal cargo or ships of rival countries
  • Which religion did Sir Francis Drake believe in?
  • When was Sir Francis Drake's first voyage?
  • Who did Sir Francis Drake go on his voyage with and who was he to him?
    His cousin John Hawkins
  • Why did Drake form a hatred of the Spanish?
    • Spanish ships attacked his and Hawkins' fleet in 1568
    • Only two of the six ships survived the attack
  • When did Elizabeth hire Drake as a privateer?
  • What had Drake done that made Elizabeth aware of him?
    Sailed two successful voyages to the West Indies between 1570 and 1571