Submarines earthquakes at convergent boundaries where subduction of ocean plates is occurring. Stress builds up when plates are locked together. Over-riding plate deforms as stress builds. Earthquake occurs and stress releases - elastic rebound of plate releases energy and generates tsunamis.
Out at sea energy is spread throughout water column. As approaching the shore waveshoaling happens - energy is restricted into smaller volume, the wave slows and height increases. Bays and inlets increase height even more.
Alaska landslide:
Fairweather fault moved and loosened millions of cubic meters of rock which fell into the gilbert inlet. Generated a tsunami with a wave height of 524 metres.
Landslide tsunamis have the potential to generate much larger waves than earthquake tsunamis.
Volcanic eruptions can trigger landslides which have the potential to generate tsunamis. During the Krakatoa eruption 36000 people dies due to the volcanic tsunami.
Asteroid impacts can trigger tsunamis.
The weight and force of water tears buildings apart and washes away topsoil, undermining bridges and buildings.
Salt water can contaminate farmland and groundwater.
PapodopoulosImamura is the 12 point intensity scale for tsunamis. Based on effects on humans, objects and damage to buildings.