boxing day tsunamis

Cards (8)

  • Tsunami was located at the bottom of the Burma plate
  • Magnitude of 9.1-9.3 
  • Shallow focus - 30km 
    shaking lasted 10 minutes
    Wave height of 30 metres
    And 4 wave surges. 
  • Speed = frequency x wavelength 
  • Wavelengths are long and travel far inland. 
  • Early warning systems:
    • Sensor on seafloor measures water pressure
    • Measurements are sent to a buoy 
    • Then sent to a satellite 
    • Signal is sent to early warning systems on land 
  • Land can be planned to reduce the impact of tsunamis. Evacuation routes and main settlements above height of predicted tsunamis. Beaches and forests dissipates energy. Buildings in the impact zone can be built on stilts so the wave passes underneath. 
  • Solutions can be Engineered, coastal zone redevelopment with building zones above impact zones. Open ground floor allowing water to pass through. Sea walls and offshore breakers can dissipate energy of waves.