Def (n.): an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behavior.
“We were perplexed by my son’s ___. He typically swells with energy, but lately, he has been in a state of torpor.”
Def (v.): talk long-windedly without making very much sense.
“The children ___ all night.”
Def (n.): Long-winded talk with no real substance.
“Cut the ___ and get to the point.”
Def (v.): put (a living being, especially a dog or cat) to death humanely.
“The veterinarian ___ the dog, putting him out of his misery.”
Def (n.): a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.
“Hard-workers were envious of high-paid employees who work ___.”
Def (n.): something or someone that one vehemently disliked
“Rice, while a staple in my house, is an ___ to my taste buds.”
Def (adj.): (especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright; sharply or bitingly critical, sarcastic, or ironic in temper, mood, or tone
“We didn’t appreciate his ___ remarks.”
Def (adj.): vigorous or incisive in expression or style
“The student’s ___ speech surprised school officials.”
Def (adj.): overcome with anger; extremely indignant; extremely enraged
“Having discovered what his husband did last summer, Josh grew ___ with rage.”
Def (n.): a thing that is hoped or wished for but in fact is illusory or impossible to achieve
“Sending students to Ivy League schools remains a ___ for many underfunded schools.”
Def (n.): an unfilled space or interval; a gap.
“Thousands of years of history are ___ in today’s libraries.”
Def (v.): hinder or impede the movement or progress of.
“The drab weather ___ the children from going out to play.”
Def (adj.): (of a facial feature, typically a man's) strongly and clearly defined.
“I fell in love with my boyfriend’s ___ facial features.”
Def (adj.): (of a person) insecure, confused, or lacking contact with reality; having little confidence and being uncertain about how you should feel, behave, or what you should do
“His revelation left me ___.”
Def (adj.): gradually diminishing in size, amount, or strength.
“Our country’s ___ resources are starting to rise prices.”
Def (n.): the outer limits or edge of an area or object.
“Flags were hung on the ___ of the castle.”
Def (v.): suddenly reject or abandon (a lover).
“Mike ultimately ___ Marie-Anne after months of sheer joy.”
Def (v.): avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility).
“She ___ her responsibilities as a mother.”
Def (v.): be unwilling to do (something difficult).
“The NYPD promised they will not ___ their investigation of the latest murder.”
Def (n.): anything that can be used to your advantage
“Recent findings will serve as a ___ for our investigation.”
Def (n.): a length of thread or yarn, loosely coiled and knotted
“I bought a ___ of black-thread at the store.”
Def (adj.): acutely distressing or painful
“Healthcare is much more privileged now as they don’t have to worry about the ___ experience of surgery before anesthesia.”
Def (v.): hold gently and protectively.
“I ___ my boyfriend’s injured face after the game.”
Def (v.): to be situated at the side of especially : to be situated on both sides of; be on each or on one side of.
“Picture frames were ___ on the sides of the stairs.”
Def (adv.): in manner that attracts attention; loudly