Cards (3)

  • USSR and Palestine
    • Aims: Protect southern border, spread communism and gain allies
    • 1956 Suez: Supplied money and (via Czechoslovakia) arms even before, and welcomed Anglo-French defeat; saw opportunity to spread influence in Egypt and Syria
    • 1967 Six Day War: Catalyst for Arab attack, not please with crushing Israeli victory
    • 1973 Yom Kippur War: Supplied Arab forces, again on losing side
    • Overview: Maintained influence over Egypt and Syria, ultimately lost out to US
  • UN and Palestine
    • Aims: Creation of Israel, and look after Palestinian refugees
    • 1956 Suez: Persuaded Britain and France to withdraw and sent a multi-national peacekeeping force
    • 1967 Six Day War: Withdrawal from Sinai at Egypt's request facilitated Arab attack and introduced Resolution 242 “Land for Peace”
    • 1973 Yom Kippur War: Peacekeeping force to patrol ceasefire line
    • After Yom Kippur War: Invited asse Arafat to discuss PLO grievances
  • US and Palestine
    • Aims: Support Israel, stop USSR support and oil supplies, Overview: US supported Israel, against Soviet expansion but not anger Arabs too much (didn't turn to USSR)
    • 1956 Suez: Opposed, wanted to stop Egypt and USSR ties, 1957 Eisenhower Doctrine: Made Israel withdraw from Sinai, still “Israel-first” but wanted to stop Arab ties to USSR
    • 1967 Six Day War: Support Israel, not made to give up occupied territory
    • 1973 Yom Kippur War: Support Israel, but more sympathetic to Arabs (oil), After: Peace committed; Camp David talks 1979, Oslo Accords 1993, and Road Map to Peace 2000s