Equity theory

Subdecks (1)

Cards (16)

  • What type of theory is the Equity theory?
  • What was the Equity theory developed in response to?
    Criticism of the Social Exchange Theory
  • What does Equity mean?
  • What is the consequence of a lack of equity?
    One partner over benefits, the other under benefits
  • What does over benefiting or under benefiting lead to?
  • Who suggested to have equity both levels of profit must roughly be the same?
  • According to Walster, what must happen to have equity?
    Both levels of profit roughly the same
  • When someone puts a lot into a relationship and receives a lot, they're likely to feel satisfied
  • What is the consequence when a partner perceives inequity?
    Distress and dissatisfaction
  • Greater perceived inequity = greater dissatisfaction
  • Change in level of perceived equity = dissatisfaction
  • How can a relationship be made more equitable?
    Revise perceptions of rewards and costs