Opposition to settlement

Cards (26)

  • What type of church did Elizabeth inherit at the parish level?
    Community based church
  • What was Elizabeth's desire regarding Catholicism?
    She wanted to restore Catholicism
  • What was a significant government issue with Elizabeth being queen?

    England was very divided
  • What struggle existed regarding authority during Elizabeth's reign?
    Struggle between pope or monarch in charge
  • What was the religious settlement recap during Elizabeth's reign?
    • Amalgamated moderate language of 1549 and 1552
    • Royal injunctions: July 1559, 57 injunctions
    • Recusants and vestments addressed
    • Court of high commissions set up
    • Oath of loyalty and Act of Uniformity established
  • What was the purpose of the royal injunctions issued in July 1559?
    To enforce regulations through parliament
  • What requirement was placed on preachers by the royal injunctions?
    Preachers had to be licensed by a bishop
  • What would happen if preachers did not preach at least once a month?
    They would lose their license
  • What was mandated for every church regarding the Bible?
    Every church had to have a Bible in English
  • What was outlawed according to the royal injunctions?
    Pilgrimages were outlawed
  • What was the status of altars according to the royal injunctions?
    No more altars to be destroyed
  • What was the Book of Common Prayer issued in 1559?
    • Set out how services should be conducted
    • Fusion of two prayer books from Edward's reign
    • Compromise between Protestant and Catholic desires
  • What was the central disagreement between Protestants and Catholics regarding bread and wine?
    Catholics see it as Christ's body, Protestants as symbols
  • What issue did Elizabeth face in her first decade of reign?
    Dealt with public celebration, not private worship
  • What was Elizabeth's quote regarding private worship?
    “I have no desire to make windows into men's souls”
  • What increased threat did Elizabeth face during her reign?
    Increase in Catholic threat
  • What influence grew during Elizabeth's reign?
    Puritan influence
  • What appeared by the 1560s regarding Elizabeth's policies?
    Cracks appeared in her policy
  • Who were the Puritans?
    A more extreme faction of Protestantism
  • What did Puritans want regarding the church?
    To purify the church of papal elements
  • What are the strands of Puritanism?
    • Moderate: Accepted church structure, sought reform
    • Presbyterian: Reformed church structure, simplified faith
    • Separatist: Broke away from national church, pursued radical reformation
  • What did the Moderate Puritans press for?
    Reform of beliefs and practices
  • Where was Presbyterianism well established?
    In Scotland
  • What did Separatists do regarding the national church?
    They broke away to pursue radical reformation
  • How did Separatists operate in their reformation efforts?
    At a parish by parish level
  • What trend increased among Separatists?
    Increased extremism