methods of growth

Cards (17)

  • methods of growth
    organic growth
    external growth - ventures , takeovers
  • organic growth
    involves expansion within the business
  • adv of organic growth
    -less risk
    -financed through internal funds
    -builds on business strengths
    -allows the business to grow at a sensible rate
  • disadv of organic growth
    -hard to build market share
    -slow growth
    -franchises can be hard to manage
  • franchising
    when a franchisor grant a license to a business to allow it trade using the brand
  • adv of franchising
    -running ur own business
    -tried & tested brand
    -easier to raise finance
    -buying power of franchisor
    -lower risk method
  • disadv of franchising
    -not cheap
    -restrictions on actions
    -franchisor owns brand
  • joint ventures
    a separate business entity created by 2 or more parties - involving shared ownership , returns , risks
  • benefits of jv
    -benefit from each others expertise and resources
    -reduces the risk of growth strategy
  • drawbacks of jv
    -risk of clash organisational cultures
    -objectives of each partner may change
    -may turn out to be a imbalance of expertise
  • takeovers
    one business taking control of another business
  • adv of takeovers
    -access economies of scale
    -overcome barriers to entry
    -eliminates competition
  • disadv of takeovers
    -high costs
    -problem of valuation
    -upset customers/suppliers
    -resistance from employees
  • why do takeovers fail ?
    -price paid was too high
    -poor communication
    -competitors take advantage and gain market share
  • types and direction of intergration
    forward & vertical - acquiring a business further up in the supply chain
    backward & vertical -acquiring a business earlier in the supply chain
    horizontal - acquiring a business in the same stage of the supply chain
    conglomerate - no clear connection to the business
  • horizontal integration
    -most likely to achieve economies of scale
    -secure revenue synergies
    -wider range of products
    -reduces competitors
  • vertical integration
    -enables a business to capture a greater share of profit on each sale
    -secures important sources of supply or distribution
    -create a barrier to entry to potential new competitors
    -gain greater insights into customer needs and wants at each stage of the supply chain