making salts

Cards (13)

  • SALTS are often created by reacting an ACID with a BASE.
    • To make a SOLUBLE salt from an INSOLUBLE base, you need to use the correct reactants.
  • To make LITHIUM CHLORIDE, pick the correct BASE to give lithium & the correct acid to give chloride like:
    • Lithium Oxide & Hydrochloric Acid
    • Lithium Carbonate & Hydrochloric Acid
    • 83g at 80℃
    • 32g at 20℃
    • 83 - 32 = 51g
    • react hydrochloric acid with copper oxide in a suitable container
    • add copper oxide until solid remains
    • stir
    • filter excess copper oxide
    • pour solution into evaporating basin
    • use a water bath to heat gently
    • leave to cool
  • How would the student know that excess copper oxide has been added?
    Black solid remains after stirring.
  • Zinc oxide solid remaining.
  • Excess zinc oxide is used rather than excess hydrochloric acid, cause excess zinc oxide can be filter off.
  • To obtain crystals of zinc chloride from a solution of zinc chloride, leave the solution to cool.
  • The solution should be heated gently by a boiling water bath or an electric heater.
  • Step 2:
    • To speed up the reaction
    Step 5:
    • To make sure all the acid reacts or no crystals will be made
    Step 6:
    • To remove the excess magnesium oxide
  • Soluble salt crystals from an acid-base reaction:
    • Place dilute acid in beaker & heat by a BUNSEN BURNER
    • Add solid base till it stops reacting, so it's in excess & acid's neutralised
    • Filter excess solid base with filter paperfunnel for dissolved form of the soluble salt
    • Heat salt solution to evaporate off some water in a water bath or electric heater than a Bunsen burner
    • To not risk heating the solution too much & damaging our salt, till crystals start forming
    • Let solution cool for more crystals to form
    • Filter the soluble salt crystals by filter paper & funnel
    • Dry crystals
  • When a soluble salt is formed from an acid & an insoluble base, how do you know when an excess of base has been added?
    Some of the reactant will be left unreacted 
  • Explain why this crystallization process works:
    The salt becomes less soluble in the water, as the solution cools, some cannot remain dissolved.