Solutions that release HYDROGENIONS (H⁺) in water.
They do this because they IONISE when dissolved in water.
Meaning the molecules of the acid BREAKUP into their IONS.
Acids that FULLY IONISE in water, meaning ALL of the acid molecules break up into IONS.
This means ALL their available H+ ions are released into the solution.
The reactants turn completely into products.
This complete ionisation leads to a HIGHERCONCENTRATION OF H⁺ IONS, which generally results in a LOWERpH.
Hydrochloric Acid:
HCl -> H+→Cl−
Acids that PARTIALLYIONISE in water, meaning only SOME of the acid molecules break up into their ions.
The incomplete release of H⁺ ions results in a LOWERCONCENTRATION OF H+IONS.
Which generally results in a HIGHER pH compared to strong acids of the same concentration.
The MORE H+ IONS there's in a give volume of solution the MOREACIDIC the solution is.
Meaning the HIGHER the H+ CONCENTRATION of an acid, the lower the pH.
If you INCREASE the H⁺ ION CONCENTRATION by a factor of 10 TIMES, the pH will DECREASE by 1.
A solution of hydrochloric acid was diluted, until its concentration decreased by a factor 100. What's the change in pH?
pH will increase by 2
The CONCENTRATION of an acid:
Tells the NUMBER OF ACIDMOLECULES in a given volume.
More concentrated solutions contain more acid per unit of volume.
The STRENGTH of an acid:
The acid's degree of ionisation in water (how easily it breaks up into its ions).
High strength of an acid:
Strong acids fully ionise in solution
Low strength of an acid:
Weak acids partially ionise in solution
High concentration of an acid:
Concentrated acids have a high amount of acid in a given volume.
Low concentration of an acid:
Diluted acids have a low amount of acid in a given volume.
Concentration & strength are INDEPENDENT of each other, meaning you can have:
If you INCREASE the H⁺ ION CONCENTRATION by a factor of 10 TIMES, the pH will DECREASE by 1:
A) +3
B) +2
C) +1
D) -1
E) -2
F) -3
0-3 is strong acid, 4-6 is weak acid
react them with a reactivemetal
a strong acid would have a faster reaction or a greater volume of gas produced in a given time.
weak acids are only partially ionised in aqueous solution.
strong acids are completely ionised in aqueous solution / greater concentrations of H+ ions
aqueous solutions of acids at the same concentration
pH depends on H+ ion concentration
the higher the concentration of H+ ions, the lower the pH
The stronger an acid, the greater the ionisation in aqueous solution
so the stronger the acid, the lower the pH
The higher the concentration of an acid, the more acid in the same volume of solution and the lower the pH.
a dilute solution of a strongacid.
strong because completely ionised in aqueoussolution.
dilute because small amount of acid per unit volume.
A hydrogen ion is a hydrogenatom that’s lostoneelectron, so it’s a proton.
Weak acids:
Carbonic acid
Citric acid
Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)
When acid molecules are added to water & split apart, they 'ionise' or 'dissociate'.
The double arrow shows the reaction is reversible.
Where the reactants able to form the products & the products can react to reform reactants.
The reaction can go forwards & backwards.
The dissociation of weak acids is a reversiblereaction.
So the products can react together to reform the acid.
For a weak acid, the position of equilibrium lie to the left.
(more molecules of undissociated acid, then molecules of dissociated acid).
Since only a few of the acid particles actually dissociate.
Carbonic acid is described as a weak acid:
It will form a solution with a pH of less than 7
It does not fully ionise to releasehydrogenions
Hydrochloric acid with 2 mol/dm3 would mean 2moles of HCl molecules per dm3 of solution.
As concentration of hydrogenions get higher, the pH gets lower.
a low pH mean a high concentration of H+ ions.
Each decrease of one on the pH scale = the concentration of hydrogenions increasing by the factor of 10.
With hydrochloric acid, it can get a low pH at most concentrations, since each particle dissociates fully, so there’s loads of hydrogenions being released.
A weak acid like carbonic acid has to be reallyconcentrated to get a lowpH.
Since so few of the acid particles would actually ionise & release their hydrogen ions.
At any given concentration, a strong acid will have a lower pH than a weak acid.
Because a higher proportion of the strong acid molecules will dissociate to release their hydrogen ions.