
Cards (59)

  • What is a mood disorder?
    An extreme state of mood, beyond what the majority of us experience
  • what is endogenous depression ?
    depression relating to internal biochemical and hormonal factors
  • what is exogenous depression?
    depression relating to stressful experiences
  • what are the three symptom of mood disorders?
  • what is unipolar depression ?
    affects 20% of the population
    affects women more than men
    depression can happen in cycles and within periods of remission
  • what is the DSM-IV diagnosis of unipolar depression?
    the symptoms must be causing distress or impairment in functioning
    five or more symptoms during the same 2 week period at least one of which is depressed mood or loss of interest
  • what are some affective symptoms of depression?
    Feelings of guilt
  • what are some cognitive symptoms of depression ?
    depressive thoughts
    unable to concentrate
    suicidal ideation
    thoughts of deat
  • what are some behavioural symptoms of depression ?
    weight loss
    loss of appetite
    lack of self care
    loss of libido
  • what is bipolar depression ?
    affects about 2% of the population
    occurs equally between women and men
    it involves episodes of depression and mania which can be consecutive or can have periods of normal functioning intersepressed
  • what is the DSM-IV for bipolar depression ?
    symptoms must be causing distress or impairment in functioning
    the depressive symptoms are identical as fpor unipolar depression
    four symptoms at least one of which is elevated or irritable mood
  • what are some affective symptoms of mania?
    elevated mood
  • what are some cognitive symptoms of mania?
    racing thoughts
    delusions of grandeur
    irrational thought process
  • what are some behavioural symptoms of mania?
    lack of guilt/social inhibition
    increased energy and social interaction
    high energy levels and increased work output
  • what is the cognitive explanation of depression ?
    the perception of depression as determined through maladaptive thought processes with treatments based upon modifying thought patterns to alter behavioural and emotional states
  • what is Beck‘s dysfunctional thinking explanation of depression?
    negative self-schemas, how you eye yourself fro prior experiences and things such as bad parenting , reinfects selective attention, can be social and work focused
    cognitive triad , negative views about the world -> negative views about the future -> negative views about oneself
    faulty information processing,
    magnification- small problems =seen as a massive problem
    absolutism - something has to be perfect or terrible
  • what does Elli’s suggest depression is based on ?
    people with depression mistakenly blame external events for their unhappiness
    instead it is their interpretation of their events that is it blame (not things but how we think)
    irrational beliefs were beliefs that interfered with us being happy and free from pain
  • what did Ellis suggest about irrational beliefs?
    range of beliefs that can be identified as irrational may not consciously know that they have these beliefs
    Mustubation- must alway succeed and be perfect
    I-cant-stand-it-itis -t must be perfect or its a disaster
    utopianism - life should be fair
  • what does ABC stand for in Ellis model ?
    A - activating event (negative event happens that triggers a reaction)
    B - beliefs (how we interpret the event, rationally or irrationally)
    C - consequences (the emotional and behavioural responses to the interpretation of the event)
  • what did Koster et al (2005) find out ?
    people with depression pay more attention to negative stimuli shows faulty information processing so supports Beck’s theory
    took longer to disengage with negative stimuli
  • what are strengths of the cognitive explanation of depression?
    cognitive vulnerability, more prone to negatives based on scientific testing
    cognitive therapies can improve depression
    holistic approach, early experiences,biological
  • what are some limitations of the cognitive explanation of depression?
    trouble establishing cause and effect
    emotions cause the thinking
    negative thinking isn’t that irrational so it ignores the social contexts of peoples lives
    cannot explain mania
  • what are alternative explanations of depression?
    genetic- inheritance
    Wender et al (1986) found that adopted children who develop depression were more likely to have a depressive biological parent even though they grew up in different settings
    Coleman (1986) found that individuals receiving low rates of positive reinforcement or social behaviours became increasingly passive and non-responsive, leading to depressive moods
  • what do cognitive treatments try to do with depression?
    try to fix the faulty thinking
    improve the faulty thinking to remove the depression
  • what is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)?
    treatments that attempt to challenge and restructure maladaptive thoughts into rational adaptive thoughts
  • what is Ellis rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)?
    change their view of things
    patients are told to practice positive and optimistic thinking, if you can change the beliefs then the consequence will improve from depression to normal functioning
    reframing - challenging the negative thought by interpreting activating events in a more logical way
  • what is the fist stage of REBT
    education phase, treatment involves 1-2 sessions of therapy every 2 weeks for about 15 sessions
    therapists and patients work together to verify reality
    if a patient makes a negative statement the therapist gets the patient to examine the truth
    patients therefore become more realistic, more able to distinguish fact from fiction and stop perceiving things in such extreme terms
  • what is the second stage of REBT?
    behaviour activation and pleasant event scheduling, these aim to increase physiological activity and participation in social and other rewarding activities
    cognitive factors are then addressed after patients have experienced improvement in mood or energy
    they are taught to identify the faulty thinking responsible for low mood and to challenge these thoughts
  • what is stage 3 of REBT?
    Goals an hypothesis testing, between sessions patients are given goals to boost self-esteem
    the goals involve hypothesis testing of negative thoughts though behavioural coping skills
    therapists only eat tasks that they believe the patients will succeed in as failure reinforces the patients view of their own unhappiness
    to prevent relapse a few booster sessions are given in the subsequent year
  • What was the aim of Sandra Embling's study on CBT in depression?
    To assess which patients benefit most from CBT
  • What relationship did the study aim to explore?
    The relationship between emotions and depression
  • What was the sample size of the study?
    38 patients
  • What age range did the participants in the study fall into?
    19 to 65 years
  • How were the patients diagnosed in the study?
    According to ICD-10 criteria
  • What was the control group in the study?
    A waiting list group of 19 patients
  • What treatment did the control group receive?
    Antidepressant medication and weekly reviews
  • How often did the treatment and control groups receive drug therapy?
    Both groups continued drug therapy during the study
  • How many sessions of CBT did participants in the treatment group receive?
    12 sessions
  • What was the duration of each CBT session?
    Between 60 and 90 minutes
  • How were the CBT sessions structured over the treatment period?
    2 sessions per week for 4 weeks, then 1 session per week