Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Cards (9)

  • What % prevalence does SZ have?
    SZ has a 1% prevalence- it is more common in men, people who live in cities and those with lower socio-economic status
  • What are the two classification systems?

    The two classification systems are:
    DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorder)
    ICD-10 (International Classification for Disease)
  • What does the DSM-V say is needed for a diagnosis?
    The DSM-V says that a positive symptom must be present for diagnosis
  • What does the ICD-10 say is needed for diagnosis?
    The ICD-10 says 2 or more negative symptoms are enough for a diagnosis
  • What are negative symptoms?
    Negative symptoms cause a decline in functioning- a loss of 'normal' abilities
  • What are examples of negative symptoms?
    Speech poverty which refers to limited speech output with limited and often repetitive content. This usually shows as short or empty replies to questions.
    Avolition is where the person lacks the will to act. It can be mistaken for disinterest (for example no longer going out and lacking enthusiasm). Andreason proposed three signs of Avolition: poor hygiene, lack of persistence in work/education and/or lack of energy
  • What are positive symptoms?
    Positive symptoms are additional experiences on top of 'normal functioning'
  • What are some examples of positive symptoms?
    Hallucinations are disturbances in perceptions (or false perceptions). An example of a type of hallucination is auditory hallucinations (hearing voices), which are the most common. However, it could be related to any sense.
  • What are some examples of positive symptoms?
    Delusions are irrational beliefs (e.g. delusions of grandeur- believing you are very important (e.g. god), delusions of control (e.g. aliens have invaded their mind) and delusions of persecution- belief others want to harm, threaten or manipulate them (e.g. being spied on)). Delusions may make people act what they think is logically but not to others around them.