impacts of earthquakes

Cards (10)

  • Magnitude - the higher the magnitude the greater the destruction. 
  • Depth of focus:
    Shallow quakes are more destructive. The further it travels the more energy is lost. Shallow is less than 70 km. 
  • Distance from epicentre:
    Maximum damage is found at the epicentre. Damage decreases further from it. Variations in ground conditions may modify 
    Population density:
    The higher the population the more fatalities occur. 
  • Degree of urbanisation:
    Buildings kill people, earthquakes don’t. greater rebuilding costs in urban places. 
  • Time of day:
    Greatest impact during rush hour and lunchtime due to more people out. Lower impact at night from less people travelling. 
  • Time of year:
    Earthquakes in winter kill more people than in summer due to cold temperatures. 
  • Earthquake proof designs:
    Earthquake proof buildings are less likely to be damaged and kill people. 
  • Preparedness:
    Education and procedures reduce fatalities. 
  • History of quakes:
    Regions that have had few earthquakes are less prepared.