Cards (5)

  • What is a limitation (reactive depression)
    -it only is able to explain reactive depression which describes a form of depression triggered by negative activating events
    -however in many cases depression is endogenous; the cause is not obvious
    -Ellis's model is less useful in explaining this and thus is a partial explanation
  • What is a strength (application to treating depression)
    -Ellis applied the ABC model to REBT which is rational emotive behaviour therapy which focuses on identifying and challenging irrational thoughts
    -Research has found REBT has a positive effect on depression patients (David et al 2008)
    -shows support for the role of irrational thoughts in depression and the real world value of Ellis model
  • What is a weakness? (alternative explanations)
    -other explanations such as biological suggest depression is caused by low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin
    -This is further supported by the effectiveness of SSRI's which inc levels of serotonin
    -this suggests that Ellis ABC model is only a partial model as it only considers the cognitive factors that influence depression
  • What is another weakness (research into Ellis ABC model is correlational)
    -and therefore a causational relationship cannot be established
    -research can only suggest a LINK between people with depression and negative irrational thinking
    -This means we are unable to establish if irrational thoughts CAUSE depression or whether a persons depression leads to irrational thoughts
    -Therefore it is possible other factors cause depression
  • What is a strength (idiographic approach)
    -The ABC model assigns responsibility for the individual to manage their thoughts, allowing some degree of control as to how to manage the consequences of activating events and beliefs
    -This means that the theory takes an idiographic approach which is useful in the study of mental illnesses as no two experiences of depression are identical