Balance of Payments

Cards (20)

  • Balance of payments
    A financial record of a country's transactions with the rest of the world, usually over one year
  • Debit items
    Payments made to a foreign consumer, firm, or government
  • Credit items
    payment received from a foreign consumer, firm, or government
  • A surplus exists when the total value of credit items is greater than the total value of debit items.
  • A deficit exists when the total value of debit items is greater than the total value of credit items.
  • Current account
    A record of all trade flows, income flows, and income transfers between countries
  • Balance of trade / Trade balance (Current account)

    The difference between a country's total export earnings and total import expenditure on goods and services
  • Income (Current account)

    Net income from abroad (Income earned abroad minus income sent abroad)
  • Current transfers (Current account)

    Net inflow of money where there is no corresponding output of goods or services
  • Capital account
    A record of capital inflows and capital outflows in a country
  • Capital transfers (Capital account)

    Different forms of capital inflows and outflows of a country (such as debt aid, debt forgiveness, and the flow of money by immigrants and emigrants)
  • Transaction in non-produced, non-financial assets (Capital account)

    Net acquisition of non-produced, non-financial assets (such as trademarks, brands, patents, natural resources that have not been produced)
  • Financial account
    A record of transactions regarding the change of ownership in assets.
  • Foreign direct investment (FDI) (Financial account)

    1. Investment in physical capital made by a foreign firm
    2. A 10% or more ownership of an enterprise by a foreign firm
  • Portfolio investment (Financial account)

    Stocks of investment assets (such as stocks, shares, government bonds)
  • Reserve assets (Financial account)

    Stocks of foreign currencies and liquid assets such as gold reserves (to be used by central bank in monetary policy)
  • Official borrowing (Financial account)

    Government borrowing as opposed to an individual or a private firm
  • Components of current account include:
    • Balance of trade in goods
    • Balance of trade in services
    • Income
    • Current transfers
  • Components of capital account include:
    • Capital transfers
    • Transactions in non-produced, non-financial assets
  • Components of financial account include:
    • Foreign direct investment
    • Portfolio investments
    • Reserve assets
    • Official borrowing