Milgram's A03

Cards (8)

  • Low Internal Validity
    Orne and Holland argued that participants knew the shocks were not real.
  • Tapes
    Gina Perry had tapes of ppts expressing their doubts about the experiment.
  • Puppy experiment
    Sheridan and King had a similar study where 54% of males and 100% of females thought shocks were real
  • Milgram's report
    Milgram himself reported that 70% of ppts thought shocks were real
  • Supporting Replication
    Le Jeu de la Mort documentary replicated Milgram's study with similar results with 80% of ppts going to 460v
  • Good External Validity
    Study reflected wider authority and can be generalised due to Hofling et al's study. 21/22 nurses obeyed an actor in a doctor's outfit
  • Social Identity Theory
    Haslam and Reicher argued participants identified with the experimenter and obeyed until the demand for obedience with the 4th prod
  • Ethical Concerns
    Criticism from Diana Baumrind for deceiving participants and potential psychological damage