Cards (9)

  • Research support
    Blass and Schmitt's study asking ppts to see person responsible for harm to learner where experimenter was blamed - Expert authority and legitimate authority.
  • Limited explanation
    Agentic shift does not account for all situations of obedience
  • Hofling et al's study

    Contradicts agentic shift prediction in nurses' behavior
  • Cultural differences
    Different acceptance of authority in different cultures
  • Kilham and Mann
    Replicated Milgram's study in Australia with lower obedience rates with 16%
  • Mantell
    Replicated Milgram's study in Germany with higher obedience rates with 85%
  • Cross-cultural research
    Increases validity of findings on authority acceptance
  • Obedience alibi revisited
    Mandel's incident with German Reserve Police Battalion 101 where men obeyed orders to shoot at civilians in small village in Poland, they were not directly ordered to do this, they were assigned to different duties.
  • Real life crimes of obedience
    Kelman and Hamilton's explanation of My Lai Massacre- 504 civilians killed