Cards (10)

  • Theador Adorno
    Wanted to understand the anti-Semitism of the Holocaust
  • Psychological disorder
    Adorno's research led him to believe that obedience was a psychological disorder
  • Participants
    Adorno investigated causes of obedient personality on more than 2000 middle class white Americans and their unconscious attitudes towards other racial groups
  • F scale
    The questionnaire used by Adorno to measure personality characteristics
  • Examples from F scale
    Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues for children to learn. There is hardly anything lower than a person who does not feel great love, gratitude and respect for his parents.
  • People with authoritarian leadings

    People who scored high on F scale identified with 'strong' people and were contemptuous of the weak. They were aware of their and other people's status
  • Adorno et al findings

    Authoritarian people had a cognitive style where there was a fixed and distinctive stereotype about other groups. Strong positive correlation with authoritarianism and prejudice
  • People with Authoritarian personality
    People who were obedient and submissive to authority; they respect it. They have contempt towards people they find inferior and believed in conventional attitudes with race, sex and gender
  • Origin of authoritarian personality

    -Strict discipline from parents -Expectation of Loyalty -Impossibly high standards -Severe criticisms of failings
  • Consequences of harsh parenting
    Creates resentment and hostility that cannot be expressed towards the parents and so are displaced- scapegoating. This is a psychodynamic explanation