Social support helps to reduce conformity.E.g: Asch's research where person not conforming with majority who did not have to give right answer but gave the ppt confidence to follow their own conscience
Person not conforming is a 'model' to the ppt. If non-conforming person conforms though, ppt follows them. Effect of dissent= not long lasting
Resistance to obedience
Social support can also help resist obedience. If person in an experiment disobeys, obedience falls.
Milgram's Obedience Study
Obedience fell from 65% to 10% due to disobedient confederate joining. Disobedient confed= model for ppt to act with their own conscience
Julian Rotter
Introduced locus of control. Concept regarding internal vs external control.
people who perceive the ability to attain reinforcements as being largely within themselves
people who perceive the ability to attain reinforcements as being largely outside themselves
Continuum with high internal LOC and high external LOC on other end of spectrum, with low internal and external LOC in between.
Resistance to social influence
People with high internal LOC are more able to resist pressures to conform or obey. Personal responsibility over their own actions.
High LOC
Confident, more intelligent, more achievement oriented.